Watch for Bald Eagles wherever open water allows ducks to overwinter along the rivers such as at the outlet of the Gold Bar Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Gyrfalcons and Prairie Falcons overwinter in Edmonton, feeding on Pigeons and waterfowl. Visit the Alberta Grain Terminals in north Edmonton to watch Gyrfalcons and Prairie Falcons catch Rock Pigeons.
Townsend's Solitaires move into urban areas to eat berries.
Beaver mating season.
Most mature bull Moose have dropped their antlers by Jan 9.
Rather than search for worms in the frozen soil, overwintering Robins will visit fruit trees for food.
Bohemian Waxwings will visit yards in rural and forested urban areas in search of fruit, often staying for hours before moving on.
Juncos will hunt for fallen seed, often before dawn.
The smaller the bird, the earlier it hunts for food in the winter darkness.
Listen for Great Horned Owls' "hoot" as they pair up for mating season.
Drive Range Road 260 and 261 north of St. Albert to check for Snowy Owls.
The population of Cougars in Alberta is now estimated to be around 2050 animals.
Muskrat houses or "pushups" are the only sign of this aquatic rodent in frozen ponds and lakes.
Willow areas north of Fort McMurray attract the aptly named Willow Ptarmigan in its white winter plumage.
Now through late March is a difficult time for birds; providing food and an open source of water is important.
Winter is a great time to look for birds' nests. Admire the craftsmanship, but leave the nest in place.
Aldo Leopold's (Father of Wildlife Conservation) birthday Jan. 11
Jumping mice are asleep below ground. They are our only hibernating mice.
Canada Lynx are active through the winter preying primarily on Snowshoe Hares.
Many small wild creatures such as voles, deer mice, and shrews are active through the cold of winter in the "subnivean" layer beneath the snow.
Late January is a good time to see Bison and Moose along the parkway of Elk Island National Park north of Hwy 16.
Great Grey Owls and Northern Hawk Owls are often more visible in winter as they hunt woodland edges during the day.
Quadrantid Meteor Shower early in the month. See up to 120 falling meteors per hour! Best nights for viewing are January 2-3 in predawn hours.