Most Juncos will have headed south for the winter by the end of the month with some remaining over winter.
Waterfowl migration peaks this month.
Peak of White-tailed Deer breeding season. Use caution while driving.
Pine and Evening Grosbeaks begin to arrive.
Mule Deer bucks go into rut.
Red-tailed Hawks replaced with Rough-legged Hawks from the North.
Wooly Bear Caterpillars search for late blooming Asters, clovers and sunflowers.
Long-tailed Weasels (Ermine), as well as Snowshoe Hares, are changing into their winter coats.
Open water is important if there's an early freeze. Put out heated bird baths for a winter water source.
By mid-month, most deer are in rut, resulting in considerable movement of animals during the periods of dawn and dusk.
Black bears have mostly entered their dens. Grizzly bears enter dens later, often returning to their den site during the first major snowstorm of the year.
Snowy owls appear in fields and pastures as they drift south.
Porcupines are starting to court.
Squirrels build up their middens to take them through winter.
Bohemian Waxwings move into settled areas often in large flocks.
Beavers are safe in their lodges for the winter.
Common Goldeneyes and Mallards winter as far north as they find open water.
Many small forest birds and mammals can be attracted by "pishing" or by sucking on the back of one's hand to produce a squeak.
Common and Hoary Redpolls appear in yards and at feeders across Alberta.
Cougars are active all winter hunting primarily deer.
Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 2:00:00 am when clocks are turned backward 1 hour to 1:00:00 am local standard time instead.
Leonid meteor shower peaks from midnight to dawn, November 16 and 17.
Full Moon is November 15, 2024, called the "Beaver Moon". This will be the last supermoon of the year.